World space week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition.The United nations general assembly declared in 1999 that world space week will be held each year from oct 4th to 10th.These dates commemorate two events,the oct 4th,1957,launch of the first human made earth satellite,Sputnik 1,thus opening the way for space exploration.Exactly ten years later the signing of the treaty on peaceful uses of outer space was signed by UNO.
So this space week is pride of our country.everyone should participate in this and make this successful.There are different venues organizing this space week.Lakkireddy Balireddy college of Engineering is one of them.
Note:There is no age limit for this event.This is for spreading general awareness among general public about space technology.
Is this venue conduct sapceweek every year!!?